toplist your blogger in Google search results

1 - Enter blogger Administration then go to Settings, then search preferences as the picture

2 - clik edit   , And then put the mark on the word Yes to activate Description Search and add description that we want, as in the following picture

3- We then enter a short description of the Code which does not exceed 150 characters , After the introduction Description Click Save As the following picture:

Well focused in the next part is the consequent emergence of posts in early results ....

4 - When you go to a new post in the blog, we will find a new tab has appeared on the left of the entry and the name "Description Search" when pressed will open the box you can write it with all respect to the subject matter and tagged words and sentences to the top of search results on this subject ...As the following picture

And now Post your subject and enjoy the first search results in Google, taking into account your site's Sioux techniques and methods to create your site for search engines
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المعرفة الشاملة لعام 2013 كل الحقوق محفوظة لدي أبوبكر و يوسف . تصميم وتطوير يوسف وأبوبكر ~

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