Indian modulate suicide at the last minute

Spotted one of the cameras in the subway station at a young India stands waiting for the train seemed to be in a hurry , but not in order to take a train , as it soon became the train a few meters of them, I jumped on the railway.

Short moments passed before the girl decides to stick to the ground from under the train, which continued walking , but it seemed like a doubled speed. And highlighted this video viewers their sights on the train and hoping a miracle , which is what happened after he cut the distance train station.

Young and I got up and began تتلفت around, sometimes take a look at her bag left on the station platform and at other times to train. Seconds passed another girl seemed torn , as well as for those who watched this recording.

If a suicide attempt Most young confirm amended therefore undertaken at breakneck speed , as it did not feel confused in front of the iron monster that almost invalidates them , and kept the nerve and made ​​the right decision at the last minute .

But if you were not a suicide attempt is difficult to assume that it does not exceed the desire of the young challenging and testing of self , though that would kills her life , but for whatever reason we can say that the video showed " a happy ending " and that when approached a young girl and extending his hand to them to help them to climb onto the pavement , before Adahmha last train .

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