Comedian famous "Mr Bean" Convert to Islam
Spread the news and rumors about the global artist " Rowan Atkinson " character known as " Mr Bean " by announcing the introduction of Islam , which hit the artistic world and surprised and stunned.
According to some sources, " Rached Ghannouchi ," sent a congratulating his name and the name of Renaissance Movement for this artist Qadeer Following the publication of news of his conversion to Islam , calling for his persistence, referred to as the relationship Ghannouchi as " Mr Bean " is the relationship between old was one of the days to London , but as long as the Sheikh has a good mentor .
As quoted sites exclusive interview expressing Mr Bean " deep regret about the film abuser of the Prophet - peace be upon him - and he was a major cause of converting to Islam and his discovery of personal prophet this true religion ," that you can then lift a finger for the certificate.
The artist enjoys legendary talent does not possess any other artist alive , a silent comedy , which is the first home that are not rivaled by any artist ever.
The inception on stage where excelled represent hundreds of diverse characters , the audience is still asking him to return to his unique personality , " Mr Bean " .
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